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When can I renew my trademark registration?
Trademark registration is only valid for ten years in most countries worldwide, including Singapore. In Macao, trademark registrations are valid for seven years and are renewable every seven years thereafter. If you are looking to apply for a trademark renewal, you can do so easily via our online platform.
In most countries, including Singapore, applying for a trademark renewal can be done during the six months before the expiry date of your trademark registration.
In Australia and New Zealand, the renewal can be done up to one year before the expiry date of the trademark registration.
What happens if I do not renew my trademark by the expiry date?
If you fail to renew your trademark by the expiry date, the good news is that all trademark offices around the world provide a grace period of six to twelve months after the expiry date. However, the renewal will be subjected to additional late renewal or restoration fees.
In Singapore, there is a one-year grace period after the expiry date. If you renew the trademark within the first six months of the grace period, an additional S$180 per class for the late renewal is applicable. If the renewal is done after the first six months, but before the end of the one-year grace period, an additional S$230 per class for the restoration of the trademark will be applicable.
In Australia and New Zealand, the grace period is six months after the expiry of the trademark. For Australia, an additional AUD 100 per class is applicable for each month past the expiry date.
If the trademark is not renewed by the end of the grace period, the trademark will be removed from the register permanently.
When should I file a new application instead of renewing my trademark registration?
If your business has gone through a particular rebranding, and there are changes to your logo or brand name, you will have to make a new application for trademark registration.
Also, if you wish to broaden the scope of protection of your trademark registration to include additional goods and services that were not covered under the original registration, you will need to apply for trademark registration for additional goods or services. This can happen when your business has expanded or changed its product or service offering since the time when the original trademark was filed.
If you want to renew your trademark today, fill in our online form above. Trademarks in Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand will be renewed instantly once you submit the application and make payment.
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